Monday, March 09, 2009 | Posted in ,

A product of Englewood, one of Chicago—Illinois, Wa’Jee is an intelligent, troubled young man with unmatched lyrical versatility and an innate ability to graphically tell stories about his personal experiences. His willingness to write about these experiences earns him both respect and street credibility among his fans.

With the production assistance from SOG’s talented producer, Issues, Wa’Jee started his discography with an acclaimed project entitled Younger Frame, Older Mind. The project received praise and recognition throughout Chicago’s underground hip-hop scene. Younger Frame, Older Mind moved 2000 hard copies and over 500 digital downloads in five months; all with no substantial financial support or advertising. During that time, the demand for Wa’Jee skyrocketed. He was called on to appear in local performances, work with outside producers, and collaborate with other artists.

In late 2007, Wa’Jee and Issues began recording their second project, Food, Clothes and Shelter (FCS), to add on to their local promotional schedules. The album took on a raw energy. Issues expanded his production by experimenting with live instruments and using production influences from a variety of genres. Wa’Jee capitalized on the new experience and continued to push the envelope in his lyrics by telling the story of his tumultuous life. With FCS, Wa’Jee and Issues seek to translate real life into music and with that, create a biographical album that will lend a strong sound to the Midwest. FCS will show the consumer that their continued dedication to quality and creativity has not been ignored nor will it go unrewarded.

01. Wa'Jee's Epic
02. Know The Code
03. Victory
04. Hey
05. Empire
06. Pearl
07. Something Wicked
08. Nonono (Baby Mama Music)
09. Material Girl
10. That Was In High School
11. Black Samurai
12. Grimey
13. Bye Now

Real tight album here, don't sleep. Beats are all supplied by Issues, who's a very talented producer and Wa'Jee comes correct with the lyrics... overall, very impressive!

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